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telescopic rod中文是什么意思

用"telescopic rod"造句"telescopic rod"怎么读"telescopic rod" in a sentence


  • 伸缩钓鱼竿


  • Fm sw telescopic rod aerial
  • The main products are divided into two kinds of fiberglass rod and carbon rod including telescopic pole , telescopic rod with guides , double - use and spinning etc . with 500 varieties in 100 series . the feature of it s products is lightness and flexibility good - looking and delicacy , reasonable structure , and antigay sunlightproof and waterproof . the products have been exported to europe and south america over 20 countries and regions
    本公司生产的主导产品玻璃钢渔竿和碳素渔竿两大类,有手竿海竿手海两用竿插竿等100多个系列, 500多种规格,产品特点体轻坚韧结构合理。
  • The main products are divided into two kinds of fiberglass rod and carbon rod including telescopic pole , telescopic rod with guides , double - use and spinning etc . with 500 varieties in 100 series . the feature of it s products is lightness and flexibility good - looking and delicacy , reasonable structure , and antigay sunlightproof and waterproof . the products have been exported to europe and south america over 20 countries and regions
    本公司生产的主导产品玻璃钢渔竿和碳素渔竿两大类,有手竿、海竿、手海两用竿、插竿等100多个系列, 500多种规格,产品特点体轻坚韧、结构合理。
用"telescopic rod"造句  
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